British Fantasy Award Winner; 3x British Fantasy Award Nominee

Friday, 6 November 2015

King For A Year

I'm way behind, as usual, with everything, so a few housekeeping posts and then I promise, something that's not go here! look what I did! buy this! etc

Firstly though: go here! Look what I did!

"King For A Year is a 12-month project that allows a wide variety of readers, writers, fans and reviewers a chance to discuss Stephen King works that mean a lot to them." It is curated by fellow writer and BFA nominee, and all round lovely bloke, Mark West, and I jumped at the chance to be involved.

For many and varied reasons, I chose Dolores Claiborne as the subject of my review. It really is, and from first read always has been, a story very close to my heart, so please feel free to find out why here. (And if you couldn't care less why, the King For A Year blog is well worth a visit, regardless!)